Cities: Skylines Worlds

This page contains a gallery of maps that have been generated by CSL Map Viewer ( of my Cities: Skylines worlds. Maps are organised in chronological order (oldest to newest).

List of Worlds


Souyen was one of the first long-term city designs I made in Cities: Skylines and the first of my attempts in this game to fully understand what made good transport networks. You can spot many interesting and impractical network layouts for some modes of transport across all images in this carousel. 

New Thamesford


Grid layouts are excellent for providing alternative transport routes between different destinations and for making the ground level designs of buildings simpler. Kieritiyl was an attempt to stretch this concept to its limits by making an entirely gridded CBD within the limitations of Cities: Skylines minus the surrounding islands. From this city, I learnt how important it is to effectively allocate space for utilities and cargo transport networks to prevent uncomfortable living environments for residents. Eventually, this city died when I ran out of RAM to support my mods, which then broke my entire city's rail network.


This is the most recent city I constructed in Cities: Skylines. I challenged myself when constructing Merlington to create a city that used only used trams and trains for public transport. Additionally, it also served as an experiment for how gridded road layouts could be applied more realistic terrain. I stopped working on this city near the start of Q4 2022 due to increased workload pressure from school.

This page was created on: 25 May 2023